The Dean Dsouza Mindset


Welcome to my blog. You'll find a collection of my thoughts and opinions on various aspects of life. Click the 'Categories' button to filter posts by a category of your choice.

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    From Blank Slate to Masterpiece: Visualizing Your Adult Journey

    Adulthood is one of the trickiest parts of life to navigate. No matter how much you prepare for it, you...
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    Science and Soul - Navigating the fusion of STEM and Art

    Raised in a country like India, there was no shortage of exposure to mindsets that were artistically or scientifically inclined....
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    When Poverty meets Philosophy: Using Stoicism to reframe your financial wellbeing

    At some point in the last few years, it's a safe bet to assume that a vast majority of us...
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    How to attain the essence of collective human knowledge

    “*The problem is not that people are uneducated. It’s that they are educated just enough to believe what they’ve been...
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    The hierarchy of an artist

    I recently achieved a childhood dream of mine - to become an author. This is a title that 10-year-old me has...
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    A Seller of Tales

    “The universe is made of stories, not of atoms. ”

    - Muriel Rukeyser

    For as long as I...
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    Behind the Layoff: Understanding the Challenges of an H1B Work Visa

    “Now is not the time for fear. That comes later.”

    - Bane, The Dark Knight Rises

    It was...
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    My Afterlife Bucket List

    "To the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure."
    - Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore


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    Your dating advice won't work on me (or why I'm pursuing old-school romance)

    Date verb {Meet}

    to regularly spend time with someone you have a romantic...

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    The Deuce - Seven Philosophy

    Any poker game inevitably boils down to a singular factor — the hand. In poker parlance, the "hand" refers to...

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    Understanding the 'Why' of Faith

    I was born and raised as a Roman Catholic. However, from age twelve to fifteen, I went through a hardcore...
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    The Death of Originality in Cinema

    For as long as I can remember, film has been a strong passion of mine, initially sparked by my keen...

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    Canada - Behind the veil

    Ahh, the fresh smell of freedom, upon entering the country just north of the self-proclaimed ‘greatest’ country in the world...
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    A universally good day

    "There is nothing stronger than a broken woman, who has rebuilt herself. "

    - Hannah Gadsby

    November 7th,...
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    Tiktok - Both sides of the coin

    I recently saw a post on r/AskReddit, where a father asked if it was too early to introduce his 10...
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    The only Indian in the room

    This is an article from my archives, written in early 2020, and only slightly modified. This piece was...

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    I was left to my own devices Many days fell away with nothing to show And the walls kept tumbling...

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    The Routine Savior Complex

    When I was struggling with depression multiple times, the days I couldn’t get myself out of bed, there was one...
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    A Morning vs Night Routine

    Ahh, the age old debate of what rhythm works best for you - the AM or the PM. It may just...
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    The Deal with my Hindi

    Let’s start with a quick recap of my life. I was born in Vashi, Navi Mumbai, though my roots can...
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    A Hundred and Seventy dollars

    “It was right then that I started thinking about Thomas Jefferson on the Declaration of Independence and the...

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    The Return from Solo Travel

    Being on the road is quite a life-changing journey, and from the responses I’ve found here, it seems like most...
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    The Last Day on the Road

    This summer, I put my life on hold to travel across my new home country of Canada, with the goal...